中国石化新闻网讯 据8月13日MENAFN消息:当地媒体8月13日证实,日本将提供经济援助,以帮助卡塔尔建设世界上主要的太阳能发电厂之一。 据共同社报道,由政府支持的日本国际合作银行(JBIC)和瑞穗银行将延长3.3亿美元的银行贷款,用于卡塔尔西部村庄Al Kharsaah的800兆瓦项目。 日本国际协力银行在一份报告中表示:“这笔贷款预计将有助于进一步加强日本和卡塔尔之间的多层次经济关系。” 由日本丸红公司,法国石油巨头道达尔和卡塔尔一家能源公司,将继续完成该太阳能发电厂,并计划于2022年4月投入使用。 冯娟 摘译自 MENAFN 原文如下: Japan to offer USD330M for Qatar mega solar power plant Local media confirmed on Thursday, August 13, Japan will offer economic help to aid construct one of the world"s main solar power plants in Qatar. The state-backed Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) and Mizuho Bank will prolong a USD330 million syndicated credit for the 800-megawatt scheme in Al Kharsaah, a village in western Qatar, according to Kyodo News. JBIC stated in a report "This loan is expected to contribute to further strengthening of the multilayered economic ties between Japan and Qatar". A group of Japanese firm Marubeni Corporation, French oil giant Total, and a Qatari energy company will keep and accomplish the solar power plant, which is scheduled to be serviceable by April 2022.